Aug 16, 2012
Sleep Train Pavilion (Concord, California)
Tour Rarity Rank: 18th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Thrills in the NightTour DebutLiberation
First time since 1984
1 of 1
4 of 4
2. Sure Know Something
6 of 16
30 of 41
3. Hard Luck Woman
8 of 65
45 of 114
4. Beth
7 of 71
664 of 1028
5. Watchin' YouTour DebutLiberation
1 of 4
327 of 338
6. Calling Dr. Love
9 of 18
958 of 1331
7. Want You Beside Me (Life in the Woods)Tour DebutCoverLiberation
Partial, first live perfomance since 1973
1 of 2
7 of 8
8. God of Thunder
3 of 6
922 of 1401
9. I Was Made for Lovin' YouTour Debut
1 of 5
600 of 985
10. Say YeahTour Debut
1 of 1
115 of 448