Sep 7, 1979
Spectrum (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Tour Rarity Rank: 19th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. King of the Night Time World
25 of 51
79 of 448
2. Let Me Go, Rock 'n' Roll
14 of 36
171 of 1013
3. Move OnCover
24 of 49
24 of 49
4. Calling Dr. Love
25 of 49
85 of 1331
5. Firehouse
25 of 48
238 of 1196
6. New York GrooveCover
25 of 49
25 of 270
7. I Was Made for Lovin' You
25 of 50
25 of 985
8. Christine Sixteen
14 of 37
74 of 288
9. 2000 ManCover
25 of 49
25 of 235
10. Guitar Solo
24 of 50
175 of 1602
11. Love Gun
25 of 50
86 of 2035
12. Bass Solo
24 of 48
182 of 1863
13. God of Thunder
25 of 51
136 of 1401
14. Drum Solo
24 of 49
182 of 1524
15. Shout It Out Loud
25 of 51
147 of 1810
16. Black Diamond
Paul sings the entire song
25 of 49
238 of 1943
17. Detroit Rock CityEncore
25 of 50
152 of 2139
18. BethEncore
25 of 50
123 of 1028
19. Rock and Roll All NiteEncore
25 of 53
194 of 2276