Jul 11, 1974
West Palm Beach Auditorium (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Tour Rarity Rank: 4th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Deuce
11 of 15
21 of 1571
2. Nothin' to Lose
11 of 15
16 of 240
3. Strutter
14 of 19
18 of 657
4. Cold Gin
8 of 9
13 of 1694
5. Let Me Go, Rock 'n' Roll
6 of 9
13 of 1013
6. Watchin' YouTour Debut
1 of 2
8 of 338
7. 100,000 Years
6 of 10
11 of 1083
8. Black Diamond
13 of 17
21 of 1943
9. ParasiteTour DebutSong Debut
1 of 2
1 of 318
10. She
9 of 13
15 of 1122
11. Firehouse
14 of 19
21 of 1196